This final assignment was exciting but also quite daunting, being essentially self-guiding based on the progression through the module. Tutor feedback from earlier modules was, however, very helpful in helping me to determine the direction of my work and how to approach this assignment. It was a very interesting exercise to go back through the […]
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Tag: reflection
Tutor feedback and my response – Assignm
For Assignment Four the tutor and I arranged a tutorial by Skype as previously. The tutorial raised some interesting questions and challenges and offered much food for thought for Assignment Five (Final Piece). Samples – Key Points A nice collection of prints with the use of colour being more reserved, resulting in a more thoughtful […]
Reflection on Assignment Three
This assignment was challenging and took me very much outside my comfort zone. Initially it was difficult to make the connection between the various materials and how they fitted within the context of a textiles degree. Having completed the assignment I can now appreciate how a much wider range of materials can be integrated with […]
Tutor feedback and my response – Assignm
Deborah Tomkies ass. 1 I was very pleased with the tutor feedback and felt that there were some very constructive recommendations and suggestions. It was particularly useful to understand the role of the sketchbook in my learning. I have taken forward recommendations to explore different media to capture and develop my work (paint, pastel, print, […]
Reflection on Assignment Two
Of the two sets of techniques I was initially much more comfortable with the joining exercises. I quickly became frustrated with the early wrapping exercises as it was difficult to find subjects with good anchoring points, meaning that I felt I had much less control over the nature of the finished piece. I was repeatedly […]
Reflection on Assignment One
I enjoyed completing this assignment and, whilst not all my practice samples were successful in most cases I understand why and will learn from these samples to adapt and refine future work. In particular I am developing a better feel for matching materials to tools (the paper choice in the crumpling exercises for example) and […]
Sorting & Reflection
Sorting and reflection is an essential part of the learning process. My sorting and reflection posts can be found for each assignment as follows: Sorting Assignment One Assignment Two Assignment Three Assignment Four Assignment Five Reflection Assignment One Assignment Two Assignment Three Assignment Four Assignment Five
Reflection on Assignment One
I enjoyed completing this assignment and, whilst not all my practice samples were successful in most cases I understand why and will learn from these samples to adapt and refine future work. In particular I am developing a better feel for matching materials to tools (the paper choice in the crumpling exercises for example) and […]
Artists – Vincent Floderer
Origami artist Vincent Floderer makes amazing organic forms from paper. Here is a video of Vincent making a paper mushroom. The techniques look very simple and he uses inexpensive materials (in this case I think wrapping paper used by a traditional butcher’s shop – perhaps similar to our greaseproof paper?). Interestingly, he references the need […]