I was very pleased with the tutor feedback and felt that there were some very constructive recommendations and suggestions. It was particularly useful to understand the role of the sketchbook in my learning. I have taken forward recommendations to explore different media to capture and develop my work (paint, pastel, print, pen, resist for example, as well as regular drawing). I have also taken on board the tutor’s suggestion to capture the essential elements that inspire me rather than necessarily to recreate an entire “scene” or image as one might in a fine arts study. This is a more meaningful approach for me and will encourage me to focus on the essentials, capturing what is relevant without being distracted by extraneous information.
I had completed but not documented the sorting process but this has now been recorded for both assignments one and two.
In choosing my research artists for this assignment (assignment two) I specifically focussed on artists whose work I could identify with and where I could see scope to take inspiration from their work in my own practice. I chose both artists working in textiles (crochet artist Olek, for example) and artists working outside textiles but where the work could be interpreted in a textiles environment (John Bisbee’s work with iron nails for example).
I’m looking forward to assignment three and already have ideas from assignments one and two that I would like to build on to explore in this and subsequent assignments.