Based on the tutor’s feedback, I revisited the felt ball samples with a view to extending these experiments further to produce a new set of final prototype/maquette samples. I used the same basic principles but tried a number of experimental approaches to produce a range of more exciting and innovative textures and surfaces. I worked […]
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Category: Assignment Five
Tutor feedback and my response – Assignm
Tutor feedback (from my notes of our skype discussion) (note: formative written feedback sent via GoogleDrive upload) The tutor in her feedback identified a number of areas where my performance could be improved, specifically: The research was good, however, I could get more value from taking a specific work and analysing it in more depth. She […]
Reflection on Assignment Five & Course O
This final assignment was exciting but also quite daunting, being essentially self-guiding based on the progression through the module. Tutor feedback from earlier modules was, however, very helpful in helping me to determine the direction of my work and how to approach this assignment. It was a very interesting exercise to go back through the […]
Assignment Five – Stage 6 – Prototype/ma
For this final sample I pulled together the key elements I wanted to develop in the piece: I began with a selection of wool fibres, choosing colours from nature to reflect the concept of ancient carvings, hewn from the rough rock. Layering the colours of browns, golds, greens I hand-felted the fibres so that they […]
Assignment Five – Stage 5 – Sorting
Assignment Five: Sorting
Sorting Reviewing the sampling process proved enlightening. Stepping back from my work and viewing as independently and critically as possible was a valuable, if quite challenging, exercise. However, I had been quite thorough in evaluating each piece so I had already started the process when I reached the sorting exercise. A number of the pieces […]
Assignment Five – Stages 3 & 4 – Sample-
Materials, Technique & Texture Following on from the initial sampling exercise I decided to take my experiments with felting further. Having researched felting artists I liked the way in which Anneke Copier creates surface texture in felt and uses it to develop sculptural pieces. I also find the work felted works of Dagmar Binder offer […]
Assignment Five – Stage 3 – Sample-makin
At this stage I had no definitive idea as to the materials that would best suit my final piece. I therefore selected a range of media, drawing in part on inspiration and ideas from other artists’ work but also from the best outcomes from my work to date and additional technique research. Fabric Paint and […]
Research: Assignment Five
Assignment Five – Stage 2 – Research
Research for Assignment Five can be found in the research section. For Inspiration research see here For Techniques & Tutorials see here For Artist research see here