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Research: Assignment Three – Air-drying

Research: Assignment Three – Air-drying doughs and clays

For moulding experiments I identified a number of moulding clays which I think could be used as both the material being cast and as the material to hold the impression. Commercial products included air-drying clay, polymer clay (Fimo), modroc. I also researched homemade dough options and found a selection of ‘playdough’ type recipes and salt […]

Research: Assignment Three – Mouldable f

Research: Assignment Three – Mouldable fabric

This was an interesting idea I stumbled on while researching powertex. It’s a means of using wax and oil to create a fabric that can be moulded whilst remaining soft and pliable. At the moment I’m not quite sure what I would do with this but it would be fun to try!

Research: Assignment Three – Paverpol, P

Research: Assignment Three – Paverpol, Powertex

Paverpol ™ is a water-based textile, weatherproof and washable (when set) hardening medium used for sculpting fabrics and other materials. It is transparent but can be coloured. This was one video about using dried moss and I thought this could be adapted easily for use with fibres, shreds of fabric or waste yarn and embellishments. […]

Research: Assignment Three – Kinetic San

Research: Assignment Three – Kinetic Sand

Kinetic sand is a mix of 98% fine sand and 2% polydimethysiloxane (a silicone oil which sounds scary but is apparently used to reduce the froth in deep-fat frying and making jalapeno poppers!) so is considered non-toxic. Its advantages are its ability to be heated to high temperatures without any change and to retain […]

Assignment Three Research – Moulding wit

Assignment Three Research – Moulding with Sugru and Oogoo

‘The idea for Sugru was developed by Jane Ní Dhulchaointigh from Kilkenny, Ireland. Ní Dhulchaointigh studied product design as a post-graduate research student at the Royal College of Art where she conceived the idea for the substance in 2003 whilst using mixtures of standard silicone sealants and sawdust in her work.’ ~ Wikipedia Sugru is […]