Having reviewed the work completed for this assignment I have selected the following pieces as being the ones I consider to be the most successful. In some cases this is not necessarily because they are ‘the best’ pieces, but in some instances because they demonstrate the most improvement and the successful implementation of learning and […]
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Category: Sorting and Reflection
Assignment Three: Part Three – Stage 4 –
Project 1 – Moulding from a surface The moulding relief paste was far and away my favourite medium for this exercise. The paste combines well with textiles, takes crisp imprints, remains maleable and can be coloured, stitched and worked into. It is also accepts embedded objects well. The variety of pastes available (pearl, matte, gloss […]
Reflection on Assignment Three
This assignment was challenging and took me very much outside my comfort zone. Initially it was difficult to make the connection between the various materials and how they fitted within the context of a textiles degree. Having completed the assignment I can now appreciate how a much wider range of materials can be integrated with […]
Assignment Three: Sorting
Reflection on Assignment Two
Of the two sets of techniques I was initially much more comfortable with the joining exercises. I quickly became frustrated with the early wrapping exercises as it was difficult to find subjects with good anchoring points, meaning that I felt I had much less control over the nature of the finished piece. I was repeatedly […]
Assignment One: Sorting
Having reviewed all the work from this assignment, I felt that the most successful pieces were as follows: Folding and pleating I felt that these were the most pleasing pieces within the folding and pleating exercises. However, whilst I enjoyed making them, there are challenges in interpreting such sharply defined shapes in a texile medium […]
Assignment Two: Sorting
Having spent some time evaluating all the pieces I made for Projects 1 and 2, I felt that the following were the most successful, either as pieces in their own right or as a springboard to further ideas/samples. Project 1 – Joining Exercise 1 – Straight flush edges Exercise 2 – Straight edges with a […]
Reflection on Assignment One
I enjoyed completing this assignment and, whilst not all my practice samples were successful in most cases I understand why and will learn from these samples to adapt and refine future work. In particular I am developing a better feel for matching materials to tools (the paper choice in the crumpling exercises for example) and […]
Sorting & Reflection
Sorting and reflection is an essential part of the learning process. My sorting and reflection posts can be found for each assignment as follows: Sorting Assignment One Assignment Two Assignment Three Assignment Four Assignment Five Reflection Assignment One Assignment Two Assignment Three Assignment Four Assignment Five